[{"id":"51424","idText":"","urlFriendlyName":"shen-yun-2025-official-trailer","parentId":"0","userId":"46","sectionId":"31","contentTypeId":"11","langId":"1","timeCreated":"2024-09-25 15:52:48","timePublished":"2024-09-25 11:47:22","timePublishedDisplay":"0","timeUpdated":"2024-09-28 11:40:51","orderByTime":"2024-09-25 11:47:22","ip":"","title":"Shen Yun 2025 Official Trailer","lastRevisionId":"0","protectMode":"1","password":"","passwordHint":"","commentNum":"0","ratingNum":"0","ratingAvg":"0","adminRefTime":null,"recommend":"0","sourceType":null,"commentEnable":"0","commentDisplay":"0","commentNeedApproval":"1","showOnWhatsnewAllPost":"0","status":"1","metaDescription":"A performance that truly matters. ","metaKeywords":"","metaTitle":"Shen Yun 2025 Official Trailer","userModified":"46","notes":"","contentTypeName":"video","totalCount":"45","username":"jingx","userUpdated":"jingx","sectionName":"(English) Videos","extra":{"id":"3702","contentId":"51424","typeId":"1","videoId":"0","imageIdForVideo":"22092","imageIdPreview":"0","imageIdFeatured":"0","imageIdFeaturedDesktop":"0","imageIdFeaturedMobile":"0","imageFacebookShare":"0","videoLink":"","videoLink480":"","videoLink720":"","videoLink1080":"","embeddedVideoGJW":"1h2uqegq3g594HIWOEhCP8JCR1711c","onDemandLink":"","length":"00:30","featured":"0","onCityPage":"0","description":" ","descriptionLong":"","tag":"","fileSize":"0","fileName":"","operationStatus":"0","convertFileName":null,"defaultFramePosition":"00:00:05","defaultFrameExist":"0","serverId":"12","embeddedVideoVimeo":"","embeddedVideoYT":"","cityPageOrder":"0","showOnMainSYPage":"1","showOnVideoSection":"1","showOnCitypage":"0","showOnAllCityPage":"0"},"ext":{"id":"3702","contentId":"51424","typeId":"1","videoId":"0","imageIdForVideo":"22092","imageIdPreview":"0","imageIdFeatured":"0","imageIdFeaturedDesktop":"0","imageIdFeaturedMobile":"0","imageFacebookShare":"0","videoLink":"","videoLink480":"","videoLink720":"","videoLink1080":"","embeddedVideoGJW":"1h2uqegq3g594HIWOEhCP8JCR1711c","onDemandLink":"","length":"00:30","featured":"0","onCityPage":"0","description":" ","descriptionLong":"","tag":"","fileSize":"0","fileName":"","operationStatus":"0","convertFileName":null,"defaultFramePosition":"00:00:05","defaultFrameExist":"0","serverId":"12","embeddedVideoVimeo":"","embeddedVideoYT":"","cityPageOrder":"0","showOnMainSYPage":"1","showOnVideoSection":"1","showOnCitypage":"0","showOnAllCityPage":"0","imageForVideo":{"fileId":"22092","fileName":"SY25_Campaign image_Eng.jpg","title":"SY25 Campaign Image Eng","alt":"SY25 Campaign Image Eng","timeCreated":"2024-09-25 15:24:35","mimeType":"image\/jpeg","original":"https:\/\/www.shenyunperformingarts.org\/data\/image\/original\/2024\/09\/25\/2a63aaefec8b7491fde3ac929c1ffd14.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/www.shenyunperformingarts.org\/data\/image\/thumb\/2024\/09\/25\/2a63aaefec8b7491fde3ac929c1ffd14.jpg","small":"https:\/\/www.shenyunperformingarts.org\/data\/image\/small\/2024\/09\/25\/2a63aaefec8b7491fde3ac929c1ffd14.jpg","medium":"https:\/\/www.shenyunperformingarts.org\/data\/image\/medium\/2024\/09\/25\/2a63aaefec8b7491fde3ac929c1ffd14.jpg","big":"https:\/\/www.shenyunperformingarts.org\/data\/image\/big\/2024\/09\/25\/2a63aaefec8b7491fde3ac929c1ffd14.jpg"}},"eId":"o4PlZEpeRFw","eid":"o4PlZEpeRFw","sectionEId":"t7zbAW04JcU","contentTypeEId":"XqK8vkdo1K8","timeDisplay":"September 25, 2024","seoUrl":"_o4PlZEpeRFw\/shen-yun-2025-official-trailer.html","url":"\/videos\/latest-videos\/play\/o4PlZEpeRFw\/shen-yun-2025-official-trailer.html","contentTypeNameDisplay":"Videos"},{"id":"51065","idText":"","urlFriendlyName":"behind-the-recent-media-misrepresentations-of-shen-yun","parentId":"0","userId":"46","sectionId":"27","contentTypeId":"34","langId":"1","timeCreated":"2024-08-17 17:16:25","timePublished":"2024-08-17 17:15:03","timePublishedDisplay":"0","timeUpdated":"2024-09-18 14:39:54","orderByTime":"2024-08-17 17:15:03","ip":"","title":"Behind the Recent Media Misrepresentations of Shen Yun","lastRevisionId":"0","protectMode":"1","password":"","passwordHint":"","commentNum":"0","ratingNum":"0","ratingAvg":"0","adminRefTime":null,"recommend":"0","sourceType":null,"commentEnable":"0","commentDisplay":"0","commentNeedApproval":"1","showOnWhatsnewAllPost":"1","status":"1","metaDescription":"Some recently published media reports paint a disturbing picture of Shen Yun Performing Arts, which bears no resemblance to the lived experience of our performers and staff. These twisted portrayals of the company veer far from reality, and grossly distort Shen Yun\u2019s workplace culture, the quality of life of our artists, as well as the teachings and beliefs of our Falun Gong faith.","metaKeywords":"shen yun, media misrepresentations, shen yun performers","metaTitle":"Behind the Recent Media Misrepresentations of Shen Yun","userModified":"89","notes":"","contentTypeName":"pressRelease","totalCount":"6942","username":"jingx","userUpdated":"pengy","sectionName":"(English) Press Releases","extra":{"id":"280","contentId":"51065","featured":"1","location":"","introduction":"

Some recently published media reports paint a disturbing picture of Shen\r\n Yun Performing Arts, which bears no resemblance to the lived experience\r\n of our performers and staff. These twisted portrayals of the company \r\nveer far from reality, and grossly distort Shen Yun’s workplace culture,\r\n the quality of life of our artists, as well as the teachings and \r\nbeliefs of our Falun Gong faith.<\/p>","body":"

Some recently published media reports paint a disturbing picture of Shen Yun Performing Arts, which bears no resemblance to the lived experience of our performers and staff. These twisted portrayals of the company veer far from reality,<\/strong> and grossly distort Shen Yun’s workplace culture, the quality of life of our artists, as well as the teachings and beliefs of our Falun Gong faith. <\/p>

Shen Yun has set the bar for classical Chinese dance globally. <\/strong>To meet this standard requires extraordinary discipline, work ethic, and dedication on the part of the artists. We are also a company rooted in faith, which values moral living and self-improvement as key ingredients to delivering world-class artistic and cultural offerings to our audience. <\/p>

While it may not be a lifestyle for everyone, working at Shen Yun is something that people find deeply fulfilling<\/strong> because it challenges them to achieve artistic excellence while supporting them with a workplace environment built on compassion, teamwork, and striving to put others before oneself. Our artists receive top-notch medical care from doctors across the country, while students who perform with us as part of their coursework are cared for like our very own. We are, in some ways, a big family that nurtures personal and professional growth as well as life-long friends, as evidenced by the hundreds of testimonies of our current artists, former artists, and family members (a sampling of which you can read about or watch here<\/a>). <\/p>

Our performances represent a renaissance of authentic traditional Chinese culture,<\/strong> offering audiences around the world a hopeful and inspiring vision of China before communism. We additionally depict the reality of modern China, where the tyranny of the Chinese communist regime, as well as the nonviolent resistance and faith of Chinese people, is on full display. For this reason, our company has been the target of a relentless, global campaign of intimidation, coercion, and thuggery at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), <\/strong>according to a January 2024 report<\/a> by the Falun Dafa Information Center. This includes: CCP diplomats, United Front organizations, and secret agents threatening theaters and elected officials with economic and diplomatic reprisals; spreading disinformation attacking Shen Yun through paid ads in major newspapers, hired online commenters, and emails to theater managers; repeatedly slashing the tires of the buses that carry performers; threatening and imprisoning our artists’ relatives back in China, and recently even sending evidently fake bomb threats to theaters in California, Florida, Canada, and France, as well as to Shen Yun headquarters in New York. Over 130 such incidents of interference across a staggering 38 countries have been recorded, according to the report. <\/p>

While these shameful acts have largely failed to stop our company from performing—usually for over one million people across 200 cities each year—a new report published Aug. 7, 2024<\/a>, exposes a change in Party tactics that dramatically raises the stakes in targeting Shen Yun. According to the report, several CCP entities have been instructed to: a) throw their “full support” behind certain Chinese social media influencers to attack Shen Yun, and b) “activate” spies to incite hatred toward our company among the American public. The report says this is part of a larger CCP initiative to “eliminate” Falun Gong globally. It also says that allegations against Shen Yun included in recent media reports have been made by individuals with known ties to this new campaign targeting Shen Yun, Chinese government organizations, or both; and these ties are not disclosed in the media reports featuring these individuals. <\/strong><\/p>

It is no surprise, then, that the media reports in question are riddled with gross distortions of our company operations, and present crude and insensitive interpretations of the faith of our performers. To be clear: how we run our company, the manner in which we treat each other, and the values that we hold dear are completely absent from the accounts featured in these media reports. <\/p>

Eighteen years ago, we started this company with nothing but a vision, our faith, and the shirts on our backs. Over time, we have matured in our operations, providing more training, services, and resources to our personnel. Going forward, we will continue to improve, making the experience of our staff and performers ever better. And in fact, we welcome any constructive critiques offered in the spirit of goodwill, and recognize these as a vital component to the health of our organization. Indeed, feedback loops and constant improvement are a hallmark of our organization. They allow us to create great art, and more. But let’s be very clear: these recent media reports do not represent life at Shen Yun. These reports are a clear and obvious attack meant to malign our mission and our faith, belittle the values we hold dear, and tear down a remarkable American institution built largely by first-generation immigrants and refugees fleeing persecution in China. <\/p>

Our goal has always been, and continues to be, to bring hope and inspiration to millions of people around the world by showcasing the beauty, depth, and spirituality of traditional Chinese culture. It is sad to see media companies in the West, wittingly or not, get caught up in the CCP’s illicit, global campaign to destroy the American company we built, and in so doing, deprive untold millions around the world from experiencing a vision of the China that once was, as well as a vision of a more hopeful and compassionate world.<\/p>



Additional Resources:<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n

10 surprising things to know about recent reports on Shen Yun:
https:\/\/faluninfo.net\/10-things-to-know-about-the-new-york-times-investigation-of-shen-yun-falun-gong\/ <\/a><\/span><\/p>\r\n\r\n

Interview with medical doctor who regularly treats Shen Yun dancers:
https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ojPeL7ydIwI&t<\/a><\/span> <\/p>

Interview about the CCP weaponizing American media:
https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=oS3RS4vJguI<\/a><\/span> <\/p>

Report on CCP’s new media campaign against Shen Yun:

Newsweek article by former Shen Yun dancer:
https:\/\/www.newsweek.com\/i-was-former-shen-yun-dancer-proud-part-it-1946031<\/a><\/span> <\/p>

Interview with former Shen Yun dancer:


Some recently published media reports paint a disturbing picture of Shen\r\n Yun Performing Arts, which bears no resemblance to the lived experience\r\n of our performers and staff. These twisted portrayals of the company \r\nveer far from reality, and grossly distort Shen Yun’s workplace culture,\r\n the quality of life of our artists, as well as the teachings and \r\nbeliefs of our Falun Gong faith.<\/p>","body":"

Some recently published media reports paint a disturbing picture of Shen Yun Performing Arts, which bears no resemblance to the lived experience of our performers and staff. These twisted portrayals of the company veer far from reality,<\/strong> and grossly distort Shen Yun’s workplace culture, the quality of life of our artists, as well as the teachings and beliefs of our Falun Gong faith. <\/p>

Shen Yun has set the bar for classical Chinese dance globally. <\/strong>To meet this standard requires extraordinary discipline, work ethic, and dedication on the part of the artists. We are also a company rooted in faith, which values moral living and self-improvement as key ingredients to delivering world-class artistic and cultural offerings to our audience. <\/p>

While it may not be a lifestyle for everyone, working at Shen Yun is something that people find deeply fulfilling<\/strong> because it challenges them to achieve artistic excellence while supporting them with a workplace environment built on compassion, teamwork, and striving to put others before oneself. Our artists receive top-notch medical care from doctors across the country, while students who perform with us as part of their coursework are cared for like our very own. We are, in some ways, a big family that nurtures personal and professional growth as well as life-long friends, as evidenced by the hundreds of testimonies of our current artists, former artists, and family members (a sampling of which you can read about or watch here<\/a>). <\/p>

Our performances represent a renaissance of authentic traditional Chinese culture,<\/strong> offering audiences around the world a hopeful and inspiring vision of China before communism. We additionally depict the reality of modern China, where the tyranny of the Chinese communist regime, as well as the nonviolent resistance and faith of Chinese people, is on full display. For this reason, our company has been the target of a relentless, global campaign of intimidation, coercion, and thuggery at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), <\/strong>according to a January 2024 report<\/a> by the Falun Dafa Information Center. This includes: CCP diplomats, United Front organizations, and secret agents threatening theaters and elected officials with economic and diplomatic reprisals; spreading disinformation attacking Shen Yun through paid ads in major newspapers, hired online commenters, and emails to theater managers; repeatedly slashing the tires of the buses that carry performers; threatening and imprisoning our artists’ relatives back in China, and recently even sending evidently fake bomb threats to theaters in California, Florida, Canada, and France, as well as to Shen Yun headquarters in New York. Over 130 such incidents of interference across a staggering 38 countries have been recorded, according to the report. <\/p>

While these shameful acts have largely failed to stop our company from performing—usually for over one million people across 200 cities each year—a new report published Aug. 7, 2024<\/a>, exposes a change in Party tactics that dramatically raises the stakes in targeting Shen Yun. According to the report, several CCP entities have been instructed to: a) throw their “full support” behind certain Chinese social media influencers to attack Shen Yun, and b) “activate” spies to incite hatred toward our company among the American public. The report says this is part of a larger CCP initiative to “eliminate” Falun Gong globally. It also says that allegations against Shen Yun included in recent media reports have been made by individuals with known ties to this new campaign targeting Shen Yun, Chinese government organizations, or both; and these ties are not disclosed in the media reports featuring these individuals. <\/strong><\/p>

It is no surprise, then, that the media reports in question are riddled with gross distortions of our company operations, and present crude and insensitive interpretations of the faith of our performers. To be clear: how we run our company, the manner in which we treat each other, and the values that we hold dear are completely absent from the accounts featured in these media reports. <\/p>

Eighteen years ago, we started this company with nothing but a vision, our faith, and the shirts on our backs. Over time, we have matured in our operations, providing more training, services, and resources to our personnel. Going forward, we will continue to improve, making the experience of our staff and performers ever better. And in fact, we welcome any constructive critiques offered in the spirit of goodwill, and recognize these as a vital component to the health of our organization. Indeed, feedback loops and constant improvement are a hallmark of our organization. They allow us to create great art, and more. But let’s be very clear: these recent media reports do not represent life at Shen Yun. These reports are a clear and obvious attack meant to malign our mission and our faith, belittle the values we hold dear, and tear down a remarkable American institution built largely by first-generation immigrants and refugees fleeing persecution in China. <\/p>

Our goal has always been, and continues to be, to bring hope and inspiration to millions of people around the world by showcasing the beauty, depth, and spirituality of traditional Chinese culture. It is sad to see media companies in the West, wittingly or not, get caught up in the CCP’s illicit, global campaign to destroy the American company we built, and in so doing, deprive untold millions around the world from experiencing a vision of the China that once was, as well as a vision of a more hopeful and compassionate world.<\/p>



Additional Resources:<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n

10 surprising things to know about recent reports on Shen Yun:
https:\/\/faluninfo.net\/10-things-to-know-about-the-new-york-times-investigation-of-shen-yun-falun-gong\/ <\/a><\/span><\/p>\r\n\r\n

Interview with medical doctor who regularly treats Shen Yun dancers:
https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ojPeL7ydIwI&t<\/a><\/span> <\/p>

Interview about the CCP weaponizing American media:
https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=oS3RS4vJguI<\/a><\/span> <\/p>

Report on CCP’s new media campaign against Shen Yun:

Newsweek article by former Shen Yun dancer:
https:\/\/www.newsweek.com\/i-was-former-shen-yun-dancer-proud-part-it-1946031<\/a><\/span> <\/p>

Interview with former Shen Yun dancer:

https:\/\/www.shenyunperformingarts.org\/shen-yun-factsheet<\/a><\/span><\/p>","tag":"","imageId":"0","imageIdFeatured":"0","videoLink":"","videoId":"0","contentRelated":"51137,44045","imageSquareId":{"fileId":"22041","fileName":"whats-new-general-square-EN.jpg","title":"Whats New General Square EN","alt":"Whats New General Square EN","timeCreated":"2024-08-17 21:51:21","mimeType":"image\/jpeg","original":"https:\/\/www.shenyunperformingarts.org\/data\/image\/original\/2024\/08\/17\/e936cd0726594710711f6be2a3fc1ddf.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/www.shenyunperformingarts.org\/data\/image\/thumb\/2024\/08\/17\/e936cd0726594710711f6be2a3fc1ddf.jpg","small":"https:\/\/www.shenyunperformingarts.org\/data\/image\/small\/2024\/08\/17\/e936cd0726594710711f6be2a3fc1ddf.jpg","medium":"https:\/\/www.shenyunperformingarts.org\/data\/image\/medium\/2024\/08\/17\/e936cd0726594710711f6be2a3fc1ddf.jpg","big":"https:\/\/www.shenyunperformingarts.org\/data\/image\/big\/2024\/08\/17\/e936cd0726594710711f6be2a3fc1ddf.jpg"}},"eId":"ZLgyUloHLE8","eid":"ZLgyUloHLE8","sectionEId":"Shwh9715MMc","contentTypeEId":"iSYtvU7zjYM","timeDisplay":"August 17, 2024","seoUrl":"_ZLgyUloHLE8\/behind-the-recent-media-misrepresentations-of-shen-yun.html","url":"\/news\/view\/article\/e\/ZLgyUloHLE8\/behind-the-recent-media-misrepresentations-of-shen-yun.html","contentTypeNameDisplay":"Press Release"},{"id":"51137","idText":"","urlFriendlyName":"chinese-agents-plead-guilty-to-targeting-shen-yun-in-us","parentId":"0","userId":"46","sectionId":"27","contentTypeId":"34","langId":"1","timeCreated":"2024-08-18 20:35:04","timePublished":"2024-07-31 20:39:40","timePublishedDisplay":"0","timeUpdated":"2024-08-20 23:24:06","orderByTime":"2024-07-31 20:39:40","ip":"","title":"Chinese Agents Plead Guilty to Targeting Shen Yun in the U.S.","lastRevisionId":"0","protectMode":"1","password":"","passwordHint":"","commentNum":"0","ratingNum":"0","ratingAvg":"0","adminRefTime":null,"recommend":"0","sourceType":null,"commentEnable":"0","commentDisplay":"0","commentNeedApproval":"1","showOnWhatsnewAllPost":"1","status":"1","metaDescription":"On July 25, 2024, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that two ethnic Chinese men had pled guilty to acting as agents of the Chinese regime attempting to sabotage Shen Yun, which is based in New York.","metaKeywords":"chinese interference, shen yun, chinese agents","metaTitle":"Chinese Agents Plead Guilty to Targeting Shen Yun in the U.S.","userModified":"46","notes":"","contentTypeName":"pressRelease","totalCount":"1437","username":"jingx","userUpdated":"jingx","sectionName":"(English) Press Releases","extra":{"id":"291","contentId":"51137","featured":"1","location":"The case provides more evidence of how the CCP tries to sabotage Shen Yun, a campaign that now includes manipulation of public opinion","introduction":"On July 25, 2024, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that two \r\nethnic Chinese men had pled guilty to acting as agents of the Chinese \r\nregime attempting to sabotage Shen Yun, which is based in New York.","body":"

On July 25, 2024, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that two ethnic Chinese men had pled guilty to acting as agents of the Chinese regime attempting to sabotage the New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts.<\/p>

According to the court proceedings, the two Chinese men had tried to bribe an undercover U.S. agent, whom they thought was an IRS official, with the purpose of revoking Shen Yun’s nonprofit organization status. This is the first time that Shen Yun was named as the targeted organization in the case, a fact that was revealed by prosecutors at the court hearing. <\/p>

We agree with U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Damian Williams, who said this case is a part of “malicious transnational repression attempts by foreign influences on American soil.” <\/p>

We sincerely thank the Department of Justice, the U.S. Attorney, and everyone who worked on this case for catching these CCP agents and bringing them to justice. <\/p>

Just the Tip of the Iceberg <\/strong><\/p>

These two agents and their actions represent a mere fraction of the overall attack. For 18 years, we have reported on how the Chinese Communist Party has been trying to interfere with our company. We have documented the regime’s wide range of tactics aimed at canceling our performances and ultimately dictating what Americans and people around the world can and cannot watch. <\/p>

Ever since Shen Yun’s founding in New York in 2006, the CCP has seen Shen Yun as a threat. Our company’s mission is to revive genuine traditional culture, the same heritage that the communist regime has spent the last 75 years working to destroy. By showing, as our tagline says, “China before communism,” we are also allowing the world and Chinese people to envision a China without communism. <\/p>

Moreover, as part of telling the stories of five thousand years of Chinese civilization, our performances include tales from modern-day China, including about the persecution of people who practice Falun Dafa and their peaceful resistance. These are also stories the CCP does not want the world to see.<\/p>

And so, the CCP has targeted our company with a relentless, global campaign of intimidation, coercion, and thuggery. CCP diplomats, United Front organizations, and secret agents have been threatening theaters and elected officials with economic and diplomatic reprisals should scheduled Shen Yun performances be allowed to take place. They have spread disinformation attacking Shen Yun through paid ads in major newspapers, hired online commenters, and emails to theater managers. They have repeatedly slashed the tires of the buses that carry our performers, threatened and imprisoned our artists’ relatives back in China, and recently even sent evidently fake bomb threats to theaters in California, Florida, Canada, and France, as well as Shen Yun headquarters in New York. <\/p>

Over 130 such incidents of interference in 38 countries have been recorded, according to a January 2024 special report by the Falun Dafa Information Center. <\/p>

To No Avail<\/strong><\/p>

In the vast majority of cases, the CCP’s illicit actions fail. Indeed, theaters and local officials worldwide have shown great integrity by standing up to the bullying, honoring their contracts, and doing no less than protecting everyone’s freedoms. <\/p>

At Shen Yun, too, we have overcome these challenges and resisted the constant pressure. In spite of the CCP breathing down our necks, we have grown from one to eight equally large companies that tour the world simultaneously. Each year, we perform for more than a million people in over 200 cities across five continents. <\/p>

New Tactics <\/strong><\/p>

As its schemes have failed and now some of its agents arrested, the CCP has recently changed tactics. According to credible reports from China, several CCP organizations have been instructed to throw their full support behind a number of Chinese social media influencers to attack Shen Yun Performing Arts. There is also evidence of coordination between some individuals supporting these influencers and a few Western journalists. <\/p>

It appears the CCP is now attempting to manipulate public opinion in America and around the globe. Since it has been unable to get our shows canceled, it has now set its sights on convincing people not to attend them.<\/p>

Yet, we believe that just as the CCP underestimated the integrity of many government leaders and theater owners, it has also underestimated the ability of freethinking people to see through this latest ruse. <\/p>

Our company was built from the ground up, mostly by first-generation immigrants in New York’s beautiful Hudson River Valley. We are grateful to call America our home, and will not be swayed by thuggery in whatever form it may take, in the U.S. or around the world. Whether the CCP is slashing our bus tires, spying on us, or inciting people to disparage us online or in the media, we will not be deterred. <\/p>

We believe, with every fiber of our being, that what humankind needs right now is a message of hope and the inspiration to be compassionate to each other. And through our performances, that is precisely what we will continue to deliver to people around the world.<\/p>","tag":"","imageId":"21740","imageIdFeatured":"0","videoLink":"","videoId":"0","contentRelated":"0","imageSquareId":"0"},"ext":{"id":"291","contentId":"51137","featured":"1","location":"The case provides more evidence of how the CCP tries to sabotage Shen Yun, a campaign that now includes manipulation of public opinion","introduction":"On July 25, 2024, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that two \r\nethnic Chinese men had pled guilty to acting as agents of the Chinese \r\nregime attempting to sabotage Shen Yun, which is based in New York.","body":"

On July 25, 2024, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that two ethnic Chinese men had pled guilty to acting as agents of the Chinese regime attempting to sabotage the New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts.<\/p>

According to the court proceedings, the two Chinese men had tried to bribe an undercover U.S. agent, whom they thought was an IRS official, with the purpose of revoking Shen Yun’s nonprofit organization status. This is the first time that Shen Yun was named as the targeted organization in the case, a fact that was revealed by prosecutors at the court hearing. <\/p>

We agree with U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Damian Williams, who said this case is a part of “malicious transnational repression attempts by foreign influences on American soil.” <\/p>

We sincerely thank the Department of Justice, the U.S. Attorney, and everyone who worked on this case for catching these CCP agents and bringing them to justice. <\/p>

Just the Tip of the Iceberg <\/strong><\/p>

These two agents and their actions represent a mere fraction of the overall attack. For 18 years, we have reported on how the Chinese Communist Party has been trying to interfere with our company. We have documented the regime’s wide range of tactics aimed at canceling our performances and ultimately dictating what Americans and people around the world can and cannot watch. <\/p>

Ever since Shen Yun’s founding in New York in 2006, the CCP has seen Shen Yun as a threat. Our company’s mission is to revive genuine traditional culture, the same heritage that the communist regime has spent the last 75 years working to destroy. By showing, as our tagline says, “China before communism,” we are also allowing the world and Chinese people to envision a China without communism. <\/p>

Moreover, as part of telling the stories of five thousand years of Chinese civilization, our performances include tales from modern-day China, including about the persecution of people who practice Falun Dafa and their peaceful resistance. These are also stories the CCP does not want the world to see.<\/p>

And so, the CCP has targeted our company with a relentless, global campaign of intimidation, coercion, and thuggery. CCP diplomats, United Front organizations, and secret agents have been threatening theaters and elected officials with economic and diplomatic reprisals should scheduled Shen Yun performances be allowed to take place. They have spread disinformation attacking Shen Yun through paid ads in major newspapers, hired online commenters, and emails to theater managers. They have repeatedly slashed the tires of the buses that carry our performers, threatened and imprisoned our artists’ relatives back in China, and recently even sent evidently fake bomb threats to theaters in California, Florida, Canada, and France, as well as Shen Yun headquarters in New York. <\/p>

Over 130 such incidents of interference in 38 countries have been recorded, according to a January 2024 special report by the Falun Dafa Information Center. <\/p>

To No Avail<\/strong><\/p>

In the vast majority of cases, the CCP’s illicit actions fail. Indeed, theaters and local officials worldwide have shown great integrity by standing up to the bullying, honoring their contracts, and doing no less than protecting everyone’s freedoms. <\/p>

At Shen Yun, too, we have overcome these challenges and resisted the constant pressure. In spite of the CCP breathing down our necks, we have grown from one to eight equally large companies that tour the world simultaneously. Each year, we perform for more than a million people in over 200 cities across five continents. <\/p>

New Tactics <\/strong><\/p>

As its schemes have failed and now some of its agents arrested, the CCP has recently changed tactics. According to credible reports from China, several CCP organizations have been instructed to throw their full support behind a number of Chinese social media influencers to attack Shen Yun Performing Arts. There is also evidence of coordination between some individuals supporting these influencers and a few Western journalists. <\/p>

It appears the CCP is now attempting to manipulate public opinion in America and around the globe. Since it has been unable to get our shows canceled, it has now set its sights on convincing people not to attend them.<\/p>

Yet, we believe that just as the CCP underestimated the integrity of many government leaders and theater owners, it has also underestimated the ability of freethinking people to see through this latest ruse. <\/p>

Our company was built from the ground up, mostly by first-generation immigrants in New York’s beautiful Hudson River Valley. We are grateful to call America our home, and will not be swayed by thuggery in whatever form it may take, in the U.S. or around the world. Whether the CCP is slashing our bus tires, spying on us, or inciting people to disparage us online or in the media, we will not be deterred. <\/p>

We believe, with every fiber of our being, that what humankind needs right now is a message of hope and the inspiration to be compassionate to each other. And through our performances, that is precisely what we will continue to deliver to people around the world.<\/p>","tag":"","imageId":"21740","imageIdFeatured":"0","videoLink":"","videoId":"0","contentRelated":"0","imageSquareId":"0","imageDataDisplay":{"fileId":"21740","fileName":"whats-new-general-large2.jpg","title":"Whats New General Large2","alt":"Whats New General Large2","timeCreated":"2024-01-23 12:03:21","mimeType":"image\/jpeg","original":"https:\/\/www.shenyunperformingarts.org\/data\/image\/original\/2024\/01\/23\/9259551918ca646cfa759a8c5fb599e5.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/www.shenyunperformingarts.org\/data\/image\/thumb\/2024\/01\/23\/9259551918ca646cfa759a8c5fb599e5.jpg","small":"https:\/\/www.shenyunperformingarts.org\/data\/image\/small\/2024\/01\/23\/9259551918ca646cfa759a8c5fb599e5.jpg","medium":"https:\/\/www.shenyunperformingarts.org\/data\/image\/medium\/2024\/01\/23\/9259551918ca646cfa759a8c5fb599e5.jpg","big":"https:\/\/www.shenyunperformingarts.org\/data\/image\/big\/2024\/01\/23\/9259551918ca646cfa759a8c5fb599e5.jpg"}},"eId":"Dg31mKke1u0","eid":"Dg31mKke1u0","sectionEId":"Shwh9715MMc","contentTypeEId":"iSYtvU7zjYM","timeDisplay":"July 31, 2024","seoUrl":"_Dg31mKke1u0\/chinese-agents-plead-guilty-to-targeting-shen-yun-in-us.html","url":"\/news\/view\/article\/e\/Dg31mKke1u0\/chinese-agents-plead-guilty-to-targeting-shen-yun-in-us.html","contentTypeNameDisplay":"Press Release"},{"id":"49632","idText":"","urlFriendlyName":"shen-yun-2024-record-breaking-world-tour","parentId":"0","userId":"44","sectionId":"25","contentTypeId":"6","langId":"1","timeCreated":"2024-05-11 01:09:16","timePublished":"2024-05-11 00:50:54","timePublishedDisplay":"0","timeUpdated":"2024-10-02 00:28:50","orderByTime":"2024-05-15 12:29:07","ip":"","title":"Curtain Call: A Record-Breaking Tour ","lastRevisionId":"0","protectMode":"1","password":"","passwordHint":"","commentNum":"1","ratingNum":"0","ratingAvg":"0","adminRefTime":null,"recommend":"0","sourceType":null,"commentEnable":"1","commentDisplay":"1","commentNeedApproval":"1","showOnWhatsnewAllPost":"1","status":"1","metaDescription":"The 2024 Shen Yun touring season officially concluded on the U.S. Mother\u2019s Day. And it was our biggest tour ever! With Shen Yun continuing to grow and first-time invitations arriving from new cities, this season broke records, seeing performances in 209 cities in 22 countries and nearly 800 performances. \r\n","metaKeywords":"shen yun, 2024 tour, shen yun 2024","metaTitle":"Shen Yun's Record-Breaking Tour","userModified":"216","notes":"","contentTypeName":"news","totalCount":"5046","username":"leeshail","userUpdated":"ingal","sectionName":"(English) News","extra":{"id":"24452","subtitle":"","location":"","contentId":"49632","importance":"3","isFeaturedNewsArticle":"1","isFeaturedNewsVideo":"1","isShortNews":"0","onCityPage":"0","introduction":"Shen Yun's biggest tour ever! Here are the highlights.","body":"

The 2024 Shen Yun season officially concluded on May 12, and it was our biggest tour ever! As Shen Yun continued to grow and invitations arrived from new cities, this season broke records, featuring 810 performances across 209 cities in 22 countries.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

\"We've covered a lot of ground this year,\" Principal Dancer Jane Chen<\/a> said after finishing her last performance in Brazil. \"And yes, it's tiring, but when you see the enthusiasm we're getting back from the audience, the fatigue just disappears.\"<\/p>\r\n\r\n

Here are a few of this year's highlights:<\/p>\r\n\r\n

Tour began<\/strong> December 22 in Nagoya, Japan, and ended<\/strong> May 12 in Stamford, Connecticut.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

In Japan<\/strong>, Shen Yun saw an explosion in popularity. Our most extensive Japan tour to date had two months of shows in 11 cities, and even that wasn't nearly enough to meet demand.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

In France<\/strong>, we started performing in larger venues, such as Bordeaux's Arkea Arena, which saw 16,000 audience members watch four sold-out performances. As part of the European tour, France alone had 70 performances in 10 cities.<\/p>\r\n\r\n\r\n


Not to be outdone, the United Kingdom<\/strong> also hosted Shen Yun in 10 cities across England, Scotland, and Wales, with first-time performances in Milton Keynes and Northampton, as well as a two-week run in London.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

Continuing through Europe, Shen Yun broke ground again, and expanded to four cities in Spain<\/strong>, nine cities in Germany<\/strong>, and six in Italy<\/strong>.<\/p>\r\n\r\n\r\n

In South Korea<\/strong>, where the Chinese Communist Party has tried blocking Shen Yun performances through economic and political threats for years, the local presenters and theaters overcame tremendous pressure and hosted Shen Yun in four cities.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

In the United States<\/strong>, we performed in 44 states and Washington, D.C., with California<\/strong> holding performances in 15 cities.<\/p>\r\n\r\n\r\n


We performed for the first time in Puerto Rico<\/strong>, with six shows in the capital of San Juan. Shen Yun was a box office hit, as tickets sold out before the company even arrived. The enthusiastic audience members, seeing the performance for the first time, clapped and laughed seemingly nonstop from the beginning to the end.<\/p>\r\n\r\n\r\n

And in Mexico<\/strong>, Shen Yun performed in front of over 20,000 people at Auditorio Nacional in the capital and had two separate runs in Guadalajara. Due to demand, a matinee was added to the season's final day and sold out within a week.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

\"This was not an easy tour, and, in a way, every tour is not easy,\" said Principal Dancer Hungwei Sun<\/a> after the final performance in Guadalajara on May 9. \"Especially in Mexico, because of the high altitude it's challenging both physically and mentally. But it's so worth it. We performed in front of 4,000 people per show, and nothing can compare to how rewarding that is.\"<\/p>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n


\"What stood out to me during this tour was the first and last show,\" Sun said. \"The first show, because we were excited to share a brand-new production with the audience for the first time. And the last show, because we did what we set out to do and carried it through to the end.\"<\/p>\r\n\r\n\r\n

As our dancers, musicians, singers, and production crew return home from five months on the road, they look forward to seeing family and friends, unpacking their suitcases, and getting ready for well-deserved vacations.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

Soon after that, it will be time to prepare for next year's production and see what surprises the 2025 tour has in store.<\/p>\r\n\r\n\r\n

In the meantime, if you want to take a deeper dive into some of the classic stories featured in this year's performance, we invite you to explore our features on The Story of Lady Xi Shi<\/em><\/a>, Golden Monkey Battles Red Child<\/em><\/a>, and Devotion<\/em><\/a>.<\/p>\r\n\r\n\r\n

And if you haven't done so yet, be sure to see what the online streaming platform Shen Yun Creations<\/a> has to offer—including dances from past productions, our Symphony Orchestra<\/a> concerts, behind-the-scenes videos from life on tour, feature shorts, classical Chinese dance educational videos, dance technique showcases, and a whole lot more.<\/p>\r\n\r\n\r\n

It's been an incredible tour, and we can't wait to see you again soon. Until then, as our MCs say at the end of every show: \"Thank you very much! We'll see you next year!\"<\/p>","contentRelated":"49400,49139,47943,48989,37579","tag":"Shen Yun 2024","url":"","imageId":"21990","imageCaption":"","imageOnDetailPage":"1","imageTopHeader":"21990","imageGallery":"0","imageGalleryCaption":"","imageGalleryEnable":"1","imageGalleryPosition":"1","videoId":"0","imageIdForVideo":"0","videoLink":"","embeddedVideoGJW":"","videoTypeContentId":"0","artistsHeaderDisplayOrder":"100","cityPageOrder":"0","showOnMainSYPage":"1","enableCityId":"0","showOnCitypage":"0","showOnAllCityPage":"0","imageGalleryId":"48589","imageSquareId":"0","readDuration":""},"ext":{"id":"24452","subtitle":"","location":"","contentId":"49632","importance":"3","isFeaturedNewsArticle":"1","isFeaturedNewsVideo":"1","isShortNews":"0","onCityPage":"0","introduction":"Shen Yun's biggest tour ever! Here are the highlights.","body":"

The 2024 Shen Yun season officially concluded on May 12, and it was our biggest tour ever! As Shen Yun continued to grow and invitations arrived from new cities, this season broke records, featuring 810 performances across 209 cities in 22 countries.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

\"We've covered a lot of ground this year,\" Principal Dancer Jane Chen<\/a> said after finishing her last performance in Brazil. \"And yes, it's tiring, but when you see the enthusiasm we're getting back from the audience, the fatigue just disappears.\"<\/p>\r\n\r\n

Here are a few of this year's highlights:<\/p>\r\n\r\n

Tour began<\/strong> December 22 in Nagoya, Japan, and ended<\/strong> May 12 in Stamford, Connecticut.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

In Japan<\/strong>, Shen Yun saw an explosion in popularity. Our most extensive Japan tour to date had two months of shows in 11 cities, and even that wasn't nearly enough to meet demand.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

In France<\/strong>, we started performing in larger venues, such as Bordeaux's Arkea Arena, which saw 16,000 audience members watch four sold-out performances. As part of the European tour, France alone had 70 performances in 10 cities.<\/p>\r\n\r\n\r\n


Not to be outdone, the United Kingdom<\/strong> also hosted Shen Yun in 10 cities across England, Scotland, and Wales, with first-time performances in Milton Keynes and Northampton, as well as a two-week run in London.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

Continuing through Europe, Shen Yun broke ground again, and expanded to four cities in Spain<\/strong>, nine cities in Germany<\/strong>, and six in Italy<\/strong>.<\/p>\r\n\r\n\r\n

In South Korea<\/strong>, where the Chinese Communist Party has tried blocking Shen Yun performances through economic and political threats for years, the local presenters and theaters overcame tremendous pressure and hosted Shen Yun in four cities.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

In the United States<\/strong>, we performed in 44 states and Washington, D.C., with California<\/strong> holding performances in 15 cities.<\/p>\r\n\r\n\r\n


We performed for the first time in Puerto Rico<\/strong>, with six shows in the capital of San Juan. Shen Yun was a box office hit, as tickets sold out before the company even arrived. The enthusiastic audience members, seeing the performance for the first time, clapped and laughed seemingly nonstop from the beginning to the end.<\/p>\r\n\r\n\r\n

And in Mexico<\/strong>, Shen Yun performed in front of over 20,000 people at Auditorio Nacional in the capital and had two separate runs in Guadalajara. Due to demand, a matinee was added to the season's final day and sold out within a week.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

\"This was not an easy tour, and, in a way, every tour is not easy,\" said Principal Dancer Hungwei Sun<\/a> after the final performance in Guadalajara on May 9. \"Especially in Mexico, because of the high altitude it's challenging both physically and mentally. But it's so worth it. We performed in front of 4,000 people per show, and nothing can compare to how rewarding that is.\"<\/p>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n


\"What stood out to me during this tour was the first and last show,\" Sun said. \"The first show, because we were excited to share a brand-new production with the audience for the first time. And the last show, because we did what we set out to do and carried it through to the end.\"<\/p>\r\n\r\n\r\n

As our dancers, musicians, singers, and production crew return home from five months on the road, they look forward to seeing family and friends, unpacking their suitcases, and getting ready for well-deserved vacations.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

Soon after that, it will be time to prepare for next year's production and see what surprises the 2025 tour has in store.<\/p>\r\n\r\n\r\n

In the meantime, if you want to take a deeper dive into some of the classic stories featured in this year's performance, we invite you to explore our features on The Story of Lady Xi Shi<\/em><\/a>, Golden Monkey Battles Red Child<\/em><\/a>, and Devotion<\/em><\/a>.<\/p>\r\n\r\n\r\n

And if you haven't done so yet, be sure to see what the online streaming platform Shen Yun Creations<\/a> has to offer—including dances from past productions, our Symphony Orchestra<\/a> concerts, behind-the-scenes videos from life on tour, feature shorts, classical Chinese dance educational videos, dance technique showcases, and a whole lot more.<\/p>\r\n\r\n\r\n

It's been an incredible tour, and we can't wait to see you again soon. Until then, as our MCs say at the end of every show: \"Thank you very much! We'll see you next year!\"<\/p>","contentRelated":"49400,49139,47943,48989,37579","tag":"Shen Yun 2024","url":"","imageId":"21990","imageCaption":"","imageOnDetailPage":"1","imageTopHeader":{"fileId":"21990","fileName":"SY-venue-1631x971.jpg","title":"SY Venue 1631x971","alt":"SY Venue 1631x971","timeCreated":"2024-05-09 11:34:37","mimeType":"image\/jpeg","original":"https:\/\/www.shenyunperformingarts.org\/data\/image\/original\/2024\/05\/09\/90fa69c82c06e9f12bb739cf7ea53fe4.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/www.shenyunperformingarts.org\/data\/image\/thumb\/2024\/05\/09\/90fa69c82c06e9f12bb739cf7ea53fe4.jpg","small":"https:\/\/www.shenyunperformingarts.org\/data\/image\/small\/2024\/05\/09\/90fa69c82c06e9f12bb739cf7ea53fe4.jpg","medium":"https:\/\/www.shenyunperformingarts.org\/data\/image\/medium\/2024\/05\/09\/90fa69c82c06e9f12bb739cf7ea53fe4.jpg","big":"https:\/\/www.shenyunperformingarts.org\/data\/image\/big\/2024\/05\/09\/90fa69c82c06e9f12bb739cf7ea53fe4.jpg"},"imageGallery":"0","imageGalleryCaption":"","imageGalleryEnable":"1","imageGalleryPosition":"1","videoId":"0","imageIdForVideo":"0","videoLink":"","embeddedVideoGJW":"","videoTypeContentId":"0","artistsHeaderDisplayOrder":"100","cityPageOrder":"0","showOnMainSYPage":"1","enableCityId":"0","showOnCitypage":"0","showOnAllCityPage":"0","imageGalleryId":"48589","imageSquareId":"0","readDuration":"","imageDataDisplay":{"fileId":"21990","fileName":"SY-venue-1631x971.jpg","title":"SY Venue 1631x971","alt":"SY Venue 1631x971","timeCreated":"2024-05-09 11:34:37","mimeType":"image\/jpeg","original":"https:\/\/www.shenyunperformingarts.org\/data\/image\/original\/2024\/05\/09\/90fa69c82c06e9f12bb739cf7ea53fe4.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/www.shenyunperformingarts.org\/data\/image\/thumb\/2024\/05\/09\/90fa69c82c06e9f12bb739cf7ea53fe4.jpg","small":"https:\/\/www.shenyunperformingarts.org\/data\/image\/small\/2024\/05\/09\/90fa69c82c06e9f12bb739cf7ea53fe4.jpg","medium":"https:\/\/www.shenyunperformingarts.org\/data\/image\/medium\/2024\/05\/09\/90fa69c82c06e9f12bb739cf7ea53fe4.jpg","big":"https:\/\/www.shenyunperformingarts.org\/data\/image\/big\/2024\/05\/09\/90fa69c82c06e9f12bb739cf7ea53fe4.jpg"}},"eId":"s0d1cpxWkvY","eid":"s0d1cpxWkvY","sectionEId":"U2m7QmLY8Tg","contentTypeEId":"JUM-7TqtxSU","timeDisplay":"May 11, 2024","seoUrl":"_s0d1cpxWkvY\/shen-yun-2024-record-breaking-world-tour.html","url":"\/news\/view\/article\/e\/s0d1cpxWkvY\/shen-yun-2024-record-breaking-world-tour.html","contentTypeNameDisplay":"News"},{"id":"49635","idText":"","urlFriendlyName":null,"parentId":"0","userId":"46","sectionId":"25","contentTypeId":"6","langId":"1","timeCreated":"2024-05-12 11:06:37","timePublished":"2024-05-12 11:04:01","timePublishedDisplay":"0","timeUpdated":"2024-05-13 13:53:02","orderByTime":"2024-05-12 11:04:01","ip":"","title":"U.S. Audience Members Inspired by Shen Yun","lastRevisionId":"0","protectMode":"1","password":"","passwordHint":"","commentNum":"0","ratingNum":"0","ratingAvg":"0","adminRefTime":null,"recommend":"0","sourceType":null,"commentEnable":"1","commentDisplay":"1","commentNeedApproval":"1","showOnWhatsnewAllPost":"1","status":"1","metaDescription":"","metaKeywords":"","metaTitle":"","userModified":"46","notes":"","contentTypeName":"news","totalCount":"2912","username":"jingx","userUpdated":"jingx","sectionName":"(English) News","extra":{"id":"24453","subtitle":"","location":"","contentId":"49635","importance":"3","isFeaturedNewsArticle":"1","isFeaturedNewsVideo":"1","isShortNews":"0","onCityPage":"0","introduction":"What do an artistic director, a magician, and an investment banker have in common? 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